The Pathogen

The poliomyetlitis' pathogen is known as a poliovirus and is strictly a human based virus. Poliovirus belongs to the group of viruses called Enteroviruses and they belong to the Picorna Virus family. The majority of the time, poliovirus attacks the motor nuetrons, yet no has known why it favours the motor neutrons for replication than other cells. One way the human immune system protects itself from these viruses is by producing antibodies that engage the protein covering of the poliovirus, preventing the virus from interacting with another cell to further replicate to overrun the body. There are three types of polioviruses, Type 1, 2 and 3. Type 1 is known as Brunhilde, Type 2 is known as Lansing and Type 3 is known as Leon. Type 2 and 3 being the most uncommon of all, yet Type 1 being the most often isolated from paralytic cases.
Poliovirus Types 1 and 3