The Disease

Polio (also known as Poliomyelitis) is a highly contagious infectious disease that is easily passed from person to person through the mouth without notice. Polio virus invades the nervous system and it causes irreversible paralysis in a matter of one to two weeks at maximum. It is transmitted by eating food or drinking liquids that are contaminated with poliovirus (though poliovirus is found in sewerage water), toughing surfaces or objects that may be comtaminated by poliovirus and then placing comtaminated hand(s) in mouth, or sharing food and/or utensils with persons who are infected with Polio. The only best way to prevent ever receiving Polio virus is by getting a vaccination. At least 90% of infected people have no symptoms or have a little symptom that goes unnoticed, whilst others, symptoms include fever, fatigue, headaches, vomiting and stiffness in the neck and (all) limbs. The people mostly at the risk of polio virus are children under the age of five as they are always adventurous with what they do. There is NO cure!
Cambodian girl with right leg affected by Poliomyelitis